Sunday 16 June 2019

Digital Twin Technology:

What is a digital twin?

Put simply, a digital twin copies a physical product, process, or service through various IoT devices, pairing the virtual and real worlds. The idea of twins is nothing new. The concept was used as far back as NASA’s pairing technology in the Apollo 13 project. But digital twin technology will only be able to show its full potential after IoT devices become widespread and affordable.

Digital twins, however, shouldn’t be confused with digitization. A digital twin does not substitute a physical item or process with a digital one to make it more accessible, efficient, or secure. It’s a precise replica of the physical object and a means of testing and monitoring it without needing to access to or testing on the real thing.

Using IoT data with digital twins enables us to gather data in ways that were never possible before such as with drones or directly from failing components in complex systems. This new data will give our companies the ability to determine how our products are being used, and how they can be improved.

To build effective digital twins, we need expertise in sensors, mobility, computing, IoT, and other areas, but the payoff is potentially enormous. From bridges and buildings to autonomous vehicles, we need to understand how products are being used in the real world and what challenges and failures those products are most likely to see. Digital twins give us that ability, and as a result, they are likely to be an important technology as the world becomes more connected by IoT.

Gartner predicts that by 2021, half of large industrial companies will use digital twins, resulting in those organizations gaining a 10% improvement in effectiveness. So this is the best time to start investing in digital twin technology. In next few years our company can expect digital twin development to trickle down into consumer goods and reach a higher state of adoption.

Who are the digital twin vendors?

There’s no clear understanding of the technology required for large-scale deployment of digital twins, their integration with other systems, and the management of hundreds of different types of twins. Ian Skerrett attempted to define the major features that digital twin platforms should possess. According to Skerrett, a digital twin should:
be able to manage the digital twin lifecycle
be able to be updated to reflect the exact state of each separate digital twin
have an open API that allows any system and IoT device to interact with a digital twin
provide a means for visualization and analysis
include process management features for scheduling checks, maintenance status updates, etc.
manage access and information sharing, enable cooperation within the system, and provide information on ownership, management, responsibility, etc.

General Electric, IBM, Siemens, and Microsoft are among the top players in the digital twin market. From GE Digital (with its Predix products) to Microsoft (with its Azure Digital Twins), tech companies are offering commercial digital twin solutions for different levels of production:
Systems and units








AI (artificial intelligence)

Types of artificial intelligence

Arend Hintze, an assistant professor of integrative biology and computer science and engineering at Michigan State University, categorizes AI into four types, from the kind of AI systems that exist today to sentient systems, which do not yet exist. His categories are as follows:
  • Type 1: Reactive machines. An example is Deep Blue, the IBM chess program that beat Garry Kasparov in the 1990s. Deep Blue can identify pieces on the chess board and make predictions, but it has no memory and cannot use past experiences to inform future ones. It analyzes possible moves -- itsown and itsopponent -- and chooses the most strategic move. Deep Blue and Google's AlphaGOwere designed for narrow purposes and cannot easily be applied to another situation.
  • Type 2: Limited memory. These AI systems can use past experiences to inform future decisions. Some of the decision-making functions in self-driving carsare designed this way. Observations inform actions happening in the not-so-distant future, such as a car changing lanes. These observations are not stored permanently.
  • Type 3: Theory of mind. This psychology term refers to the understanding that others have their own beliefs, desires andintentions that impact the decisions they make. This kind of AI does not yet exist.
  • Type 4: Self-awareness. In this category, AI systems have a sense of self, have consciousness. Machines with self-awareness understand their current state and can use the information to infer what others are feeling. This type of AI does not yet exist.

An explanation of the differences between AI and cognitive computing

Today, businesses of all types need to know how to implement artificial intelligence (AI), as the technology has changed the way organizations do business across the world, and will continue changing it into the foreseeable future. Those businesses that don’t capitalise on the transformative power of AI risk being left behind. So our company should start investing in artificial intelligence technology, to cope up with the other leading industries in this technology.
Mastering AI and data is one of the most important things that our company can do to transform ourselves into exponential enterprises, achieve exponential growth, and avoid disruption. The companies leading the way in AI also lead the way in breakthrough results in this time of disruption and accelerating change. By taking a focused approach to building a world-class AI capability, our company can join the ranks of the exponential leaders as well in next 3-5 years.  In near future smarter technologies/devices produced in our company and connected machines that will interact, visualize the entire production chain and make decisions autonomously will revolutionize the advancements in our business.  And it will improve the quality of life for the world’s population and raise income levels.











Monday 23 June 2014

5 Reasons Why You Should Buy An Android Phone :

There are so many options when you want to buy an Android phone. Despite their are  large variety of android phones in the market, there are still several common factors in choosing that  Android phones  which suits you best.

Their are lots of positive response from the buyers who buys Android phones. We marked some of these reasons and included below based on our experience with various Android phones and Android phones buyers.

Get a larger screen 

With iPhone, you have only single option for screen size that is 3.5 inches. But their are many Android phones such as Sony Xperia-C,Samsung Grand and Nexus S which offer you screens size of 4 inches or larger. That extra space is can be used  to watch movies, play games, or view full web pages on their phone screen. With larger size screen it is easy to watch movies in hd, read books, use phone touch keyboard without any difficulties. So larger size of display screen adds a great value to the Android phones.

Use a camera with more power

Many Android phones like Sony Xperia-C,Samsung Grand and HTC EVO 4G have 8 megapixel cameras and shoot 720p or 1080p HD video. While carrying the Android phones HD camera it is not necessary to carry external camera for capturing the photos or videos. Now a days the Android phones camera comes with high power LED flash with which we can capture photos during night also with accurate quality.

Expand your storage

Most Android phones will allow you to expand their memory using external SD card. This is useful for those who want more space for music,images, videos, movies and apps. The external memory card can be of any size generally multiple of 4(except 512MB, 1GB, 2GB) like 4GB, 8GB, 16GB,32GB etc.  

Enjoy faster processor speeds

Starting with the Atrix, we're beginning to see Android phones sport dual core processors that can offer amazing speed for your phone. But now-days many Android phones comes with quad-core processor. With quad core processor the Android phones overcomes the latency and hanging problems.

Android Open Source Platform

Android is an open source mobile phone platform developed by Google with the help of Open Handset Alliance. Open source means it’s free and fully customize it according to our need. Anyone can have access to the source code of Android and can make changes to improve it. This kind of freedom is the perfect way for making the Android famous among people. New ideas are developed through the Android platform. Users can learn how to create Android applications, and then they can put that on Google play store. There are currently hundreds of thousands of  Android apps on Google play store, and many are free of cost.

For more information about Android Phone CLICK HERE

Saturday 21 June 2014

Different Kinds of Cell Phones

Cell phones seem to evolve by the day with manufacturers and service providers competing to produce the next consumer craze. While smartphones have emerged as the market leader, conventional cell phones, prepaid phones and unlocked phones offer viable alternatives. Knowing the difference between the various cell phone types will help you find the best choice for your specific needs.

Smartphones :

Practically mini-computers, smartphones possess advanced operating systems that support far more than making phone calls. The typical smartphone features a large touch-screen display, Wi-Fi connectivity, fast wireless speeds for data streaming and Web browsing, superior cameras and access to applications. The ability to run apps allows smartphones to handle email, social networking and office tasks such as editing documents and creating spreadsheets.

 Popular brands such as the Apple iPhone, the Motorola Droid and the Samsung Galaxy retail from between $100 and $500 depending on the precise model and features, and they also require monthly data plans as part of the regular two-year service contracts.

Conventional Cell Phones :

Conventional cell phones lack the advanced operating systems found in smartphones and can't run apps and other  features. Standard conventional phones are usually made up with smaller displays, which must usually be navigated via the keypad. In way of features, conventional phones typically offer a basic camera, simple video capturing, wireless Bluetooth capability and text messaging, with more advanced features including a QWERTY keyboard, memory card storage and simple Web browsing and email support through high-speed data networks.

 All the major service providers offer their own take on conventional cell phones, usually offering them for free with the purchase of a two-year service contract. Higher-end conventional phones may cost anywhere from $20 to $150 before the price of the monthly service package.

Prepaid Cell Phones :

If you don't rely on your cell phone and only use it to make occasional calls or to send limited texts, prepaid phones may be the way to go. Companies such as Net10 and Tracfone don't require two-year service contracts or even monthly usage plans. Instead, you purchase a phone from the respective provider and then buy blocks of minutes.

 Each call or text costs a certain amount of money and subtracts from the prepaid balance. When the balance hits zero, you must purchase more minutes to continue service. Prepaid plans can provide substantial savings for those who don't use their cell phone every day.

Unlocked Cell Phones :

Traditional cell phones are locked, meaning they're tied to a specific service provider and will only work on that carrier's network. Unlocked phones have no such limitations and can operate on multiple networks, requiring only a swap of SIM cards loaded with prepaid minutes to change carriers. Unlocked phones are typically more expensive than network phones and are also more difficult to set up and to maintain with current software due to the lack of specific network support.

 For more information about phones keep checking this blog.